Print this page, fill out and mail $20.00 to: 

The Sons of The American Legion  Squadron 1771
519 Leonard Street
Brooklyn, New York

Or feel free to drop it off in person at the post.

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                        APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP

       Sons of The American Legion           Date_________________


Detachment of _New York________  Squadron No._______1771________ Birth Date_________________________ 

Name_____________________________________________  Recruited by_________________________

                (First)              (Initial)                      (Last)                                                       (Initial)         (Last) 

                             (Street)                    (City)                       (State)                       (Zip)                  (Telephone) 

Veteran through whom eligibility is established _________________________________________________

      Above is a member in good standing of Post No.___________________ Department of _____________

OR (b) Above is a deceased veteran who served honorably from _______________________ to __________

(c) Relationship of Applicant to Veteran ______________________________________________________

Has Applicant previously been a member of the SAL? ___________________ Where? __________________

     I hereby subscribe to the Constitution of the Sons of The American Legion, apply for membership, and


Transmit $_20.00 as 2008 annual membership dues.


                                                                                                                      (By Applicant or Parent) 


Eligibility certified by ___________________________________________________

  ----------------------------Cut Here------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          (Keep this section for your own records)




Date Application Mailed_______________________________________
Sent $20.00 (Check #______________) for Payment of 2008 Dues to
The Sons of The American Legion  Squadron 1771 Detachment of New York
519 Leonard Street
Brooklyn, New York
Phone  718-